Every January I start “fresh” with my coaching clients. I like to look at accomplishments from the previous year, then analyze a few strategic areas to improve the practice for the next.
One of the most powerful tools that I’ve created and use is called the “Business Audit“. It allows me to look at critical key areas to focus on my coaching from the business side of a doctor’s practice growth.
Some of these key indices include:
- Number of new patients per month
- Conversion to care
- Patient visit average (PVA)
- Adjustment time per patient
- Income per adjustment
- Income per visit
- Ancillary service income
- Overhead percentage
- Cost per patient
- Marketing ROI
Why are these so important?
A number of years ago, at one of our Mastery Training University seminars, we performed the business audit as a group. Many of the doctors, who thought they were doing great in practice…were absolutely SHOCKED!
One such doctor stood up and cried! She testified that her conversions to care were only 50%. Her PVA was a paltry 24, and her income per visit was the lowest at $28.
It was from this realization, as a comparison to everyone else in this group, that she needed to do more in order to dramatically grow her practice.
That realization came from an honest business audit of her practice and taking the necessary action steps to make the change.
We improved just 3 simple key procedures. We implemented a “Doctor’s Report“, increased her care plans and increased her fee to the average of the group.
What happened in the next 30 days was nothing short of a “Pimp My Practice” episode…Hmmm…that gives me an idea! Anyway – her income, volume, and PVA literally DOUBLED over the next quarter.
And you can do the same with a business audit of your own practice. GRAB MY 2018 Business Audit NOW!
Consider at least looking at my JetPack Membership to give you “DIY” ideas on how to easily make these growth changes from the comfort of your home. And also check out my book, “The Pisiform Code“, for only $6.97!
Enjoy These Tools…And Let’s Make Next Year Your Best Year Ever!
Dr. Mike Reid
Chiropractic’s #1 Practice Building Strategist
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