5 Things Every Chiropractor Needs For Prosperity

25 years in the Chiropractic business and 18 years coaching hundreds of doctors internationally, teaches you a few things or two about how and why doctors differ in their prosperity.
Here are my observations that separate the winners in the profession from those who are struggling day to day.

1. Run It Like A Business
You can argue with me until you’re blue in the face, but I’ll still win! My top docs who are wildly prosperous, know they are running a business. And they treat their practices as such!
They know the formula and they have their game down to a science. There’s no bullshitting their new patient machine, their procedures, nor their care. They can run head to head with any business and they’ve hired the best “A” players and will accept nothing less than an 11/10. It’s their sandbox rule!
They measure, monitor, adapt and change with the needs of the, market, but more importantly, they make sure there is profit at the end of the day.
Sears and Toys-R-Us could learn a few lessons from these phenomenal business people!

2. Impeccable Service
What do Starbucks, WestJet Airlines, and Costco have in common. They understand something called “IMPECCABLE”. It’s that service that goes way beyond the patients expectations. It’s so outrageous, that they want to refer others or are at least rave about the service.
Are you patients giving you awesome Google reviews? Happy with a quick turn-around time? Or are they waiting an hour for their 3 minute adjustment? Model successful businesses and you’ll the commonalities, from super friendly staff to a quick service that screams value.

3. Market Like A Freak
That’s what I said. A number of years ago, a prominent coach told me that if your practice is struggling at 10 new patients per month, you’re F*#k’D. He was right! In today’s competitive word, you’d better be cracking the 20 new patient mark per month, as well as your associates. If their not, it’s time to get new ones!
And there’s only 3 ways to crush it. Internally, externally and with social media!

4. Dominate Your Local Social Media
In your city, every month, there is 1/1000 people looking for their next Chiropractor on the internet. These are pre-qualified people looking for you! Are you there?
Peng Joon, a social media guru from Malaysia uses the phrase, “Dominating The Conversation”.
It basically means that wherever prospects are looking on the net…you need to be there, in their face. You’ve got to dominate Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google. If you understand email marketing, you’ll be there as well.
Spend a little on your website, email marketing and social media. Open your wallet and pay for some key adwords…you know the ones your prospects are using like “Chiropractor_near_me”, your city and your name!

5. Stay Hungry & On The Cutting Edge
Change is the only constant in the universe. It seems that every seminar that I go to, I not only get a slice of “humble-my-ass” pie, but I get to learn something new that’s applicable to coaching or our practice. And WOW, do things change fast!
Time to clean out the shag carpeting, old neuro-stims and listen to your patient’s needs, as well as the market trends.
It seems that I always see the same “movers and shakers’ at the seminars. Is it any wonder that they are the most prosperous?
To learn more about prosperity. Join me and hundreds of other doctors at this years Prosperity International Leadership Summit, September 27-29th, 2018, in Washington, DC.