Steal My Practice Split Tests That Increases Conversion 4

pisiform book

Do you know how many C.A.’s it takes to effective run your practice?

It’s one of the most common questions I get from my clients.
I wanted to share these tips with you, in part 3 of my blog, prior to releasing my e-book

“The Pisiform Code”

Here’s split test #51. Number of Team Members

One of the most common questions I get is how many team members should I hire for my practice. It’s been my experience that most C.A’s can handle up to 60 patient visits per shift, super star C.A’s as much as 100 per shift. However, these are far and few between. Typically, we recommend that you hire for every 150 patient visits per week. Here’s an outline that I like and recommend, taking you up to 600 per week with 4 team members.

0-150 – Front Desk C.A.
150-300 – Front Desk C.A. & Tech/P.R.C.A.
300-450 – Front Desk C.A. & Tech & P.R.C.A.
450-600 – Out Front Desk & In Front Desk C.A. & Tech C.A. & P.R.C.A.

Here’s observation #58. 3 Business Cards Per Day With Direct Response

In split test #38 I referred to the power of dissemination of information. It’s basically the spaghetti effect, where you market an abundance of information out to the public and monitor what sticks. One of the most powerful tools that you can use is your Business Card.

Here’s my 30 second elevator pitch to everyone I meet.

“Hi, what sort of work do you do?”

“I’m in retail”

“I’m a doctor of Chiropractic. Who’s your Chiropractor?”

“I don’t have one! But I’ve been thinking of seeing one.”

“Well, I’d love to be your Chiropractor!”

“Here’s my business card. There’s a health pass of the back for $67, which saves you 50% of your initial exam investment.”

It really is that easy! Even to this day, I ensure that I meet at least 3 people per day and hand out my practice business card. Your biggest challenge will be to ensure you have cards on hand.

My Observation: By handing out 3 business cards per day you can attract an extra 4-5 new patients per month.

Watch for my new e-book, coming out just prior to Christmas. It’s only $6.97, but has 67 split tests and observations that I’ve used to build my million dollar practice. It will definitely help you build yours too.

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Helping You Build Your Empire
Dr. Mike Reid

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