How To Build Your Practice – With The Transform Power Workshops

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We’re super excited to announce the release of our ALL-NEW “Transform Power Workshop” training series, helping resolve the decades old challenges many Chiropractors face to attract and convert patients, their friends, and corporations with lectures.  It’s been a year in the making! It’s been BETA tested! And the results are outrageous.

And more important, we’d love to share these results with you!

Over the last year, we’ve built and tested an amazing 12 monthly Power Workshop lecture series.  Our first beta test produced over $7,000 in income and 8 new patients.  At a case average of $2,000, that was an extra $23,000 in extra income…all in one night!  Not bad for a beta test right!?

The big question ever body is asking, “How did we do it?”

Well, obviously there is no magic bullet, as this new patient and income generator has been a challenge for most doctors, for decades. But we’ve cracked the code, and just had to share it with our colleagues.

We’ve created a FREE 3 video training series, just for you, that will walk you through the same challenges that we all face and why we (Reid and Vanwagner) were hell bent on making this work.  

Click the LINK below, then enter your name and email to get instant access to this training…

Click Here >>> FREE 3 video training series

In this FREE video training series, we will cover everything from the challenges we’ve all experiences to getting patients to lectures, to ensuring they show up, and to massive breakthroughs in getting into corporations.

In these FREE videos we will show how we have overcome the challenge of the new patient lecture series, how we fill the seats to waiting list capacity, how we close patients and monetize these events, that had outrageous results even in our first lecture.

Who are we and what makes us experts in this field?

Dr. Cherine Vanwagner was voted CLA’s 2011 Chiropractor of the Year, and developer of a world renown Corporate Wellness program that got her in the door of 15 corporations last year, attracting over 200 new patients and generating over $300,000 in extra income.

Dr. Mike Reid is C.E.O. and Head Coach of Chiropractic Masters International, has built an all cash, million dollar practice and coaches doctors worldwide in creating wellness based practices, with an emphasis on the new patient machine.  His top client grew over $600,000 USD last year, in part from using this lecture series.

Click the LINK below to sign into your FREE “Transform Power Workshop” training series

Click Here >>> FREE 3 video training series

(It’s 100% FREE!)

In video #1 We guide you through the same challenges faced by doctors worldwide, to get patients and guests alike to sign up for and attend any form of lecture.

You’ll experience the same feelings that have frustrated Chiropractors for years.  This 1st video will reveal EXACTLY what launched our practice rapidly and successfully. (There’s no doubt, this video will produce a few giggles.)

In video #2 We will show you the “4 Framework of Acquisition” for both companies and corporations that produced predictable results.  We will also allude to the 10 marketing tools that we used to attract patients, guests and their families to our workshops, 30 days out…and why this technique worked.  On our first day of promotion, we had to close the workshop, because we could only fit 25 bodies into our practice. (PS. We had to run a second workshop the same month).

Imagine if you used these same techniques in your practice, chances are you’d probable double or triple your new patient flow. What would your practice look like in a year from now if you just tried it for the next 12 months.  We think you’d witness an awesome amount of growth!

In Video #3 Is where we reveal the secret sauce and the most important video of them all!  This is where we reveal the Transform product “Blueprint of Success.  Imagine for a moment if you could acquire a turn key success formula, where all you had to do was “plug and play” and watched the new patients and dollars roll in.  Why work your ass off with old and outdated techniques and power points that just don’t work.

Both of us have spent years in experience and this last year perfecting this program.  Now, we want to teach it to you in our free, 3-part video training series!

This 3 FREE video series officially launches NOW, but we’re only leaving it up for a limited period of time – so sign up for it today by clicking the link below:

Click Here >>> FREE 3 video training series

Join the Transform Power Workshop series.

(Again, It’s 100% FREE!)

Why are we doing this?

Although we have served thousands across the world already and in our community, we want to create an exponential reach by training more chiropractors (like you), how to reach more of the public and corporate, through our Transform Power Workshop series.

We think you’d agree that many of us work too many hours and never get the desired results, like attracting more new patients and having a record month in adjustments and income!

We believe it’s time for change.  Wouldn’t you agree?


We are certain that if you train with us, you will dramatically shift your new patient machine and of course your income your career, in a very significant way.

We know you’ll enjoy the FREE training videos,

Drs. Mike Reid and Cherine Vanwagner

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